Monday, 26 March 2018

Our Baby Gender Reveal!

Recently, we received the results from the NiCE Prenatal Test that I did! We are happy to announce that our baby is free from any chromosomal defects or abnormalities! And as you can already tell from the title...yes this test could also tell the gender of our little one! 

Only a small amount of blood was required of me for this test, and it took 7 working days (from the day my blood was drawn at the lab) for the results to be out! I received the results on a morning and I forwarded right away to BFF (without peeking I swear)! Soon, I was on my way to the balloon store and dear BFF had to coordinate the balloon purchase via Whatsapp call since we are an ocean's apart .

I decided to bring my helper along and it turned out to be a good call cos the balloon was HUGE! I know it doesn't look THAT huge on the photos and video but yes this was her managing the balloon at the rear seat all the way home . I had to take a photo of her before moving off cos just look how tiny she is beside it, we were both super tickled and were laughing all the way home!

So the balloon containing either pink or blue confetti was sitting at home for hours...I was so excited when I heard W coming through the door after work! I have been wanting us to uncover the gender of our first child in a more erm 'interesting' way instead of just looking at the boring medical report! I've uploaded the video here for your viewing pleasure! Totally candid, not rehearsed one bit! Enjoy!

With ,

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Scoliosis and I

I may have not shared this before in this space but I have Scoliosis! This medical condition of mine was discovered during a routine health check in primary school. Instead of having a straight spine like most people, my spine was "S" shaped!

After countless visits to the orthopaedic and X-rays, it was decided that I would have to go through treatments to correct my curved spine. As I was growing rapidly as a child, an uncorrected curved spine could possibly lead to a punctured lung. Imagine a healthy growing spine would grow vertically but mine essentially would grow sideways creating a big fat "S" shape!

It was initially discussed for me to possible start the treatment with a back brace. However, within a short span of time my curvatures got worst and we were told that a surgery was required to get my spine fixed. And so I went through a spinal fusion surgery.

I spent a week at the hospital (I was 5cm taller after the surgery by the way!) and was exempted from physical activities for two years. But that didn't keep me from being active. I tried everything when I got the go ahead to get physical! I ran, I high jumped, I tried roller blading, etc. I didn't feel I was different from my friends except that I got this really long scar (shoulder to waist) running down my back.

Honestly, the scar, the medical condition didn't affected me one bit. Why should I let this episode change who I was meant to be? Life has so much more for me to explore than to wallow in self-pity or negative thoughts. My condition didn't limit me in many ways except I was rejected by Singapore Airlines when I failed their medical test (due to scoliosis) during my application to be a cabin crew.

I won't deny that I was slightly disappointed but it was probably for the better! Being a cabin crew is physically demanding, I may not be the best candidate and I accepted that fact. I went on to work in the banking industry and I loved every part of it too!

It was during this time that I started developing soreness and lower back pain. I could conveniently blame it on "scoliosis" but to be honest...I hardly exercise then, I wore a lot of heels, I walked and sat a lot. Even a healthy person with no back problems would probably also develop some sort of backaches with a lifestyle like that!

I started practising yoga with a private teacher around two years ago and guess what? The occurrences of my usual lower back pain lessened. Even husband noticed the major improvement cause obviously I whine much lesser these days. 

I believe it's really important for anyone with scoliosis to pick out a suitable workout regime to maintain a healthy back. Even people with normal spines would experience some sort of backaches without proper care let alone us, the special ones! 

With ,

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Almost a year later...

Wow, it has almost been a year since my last post here on blogger. I spent much of the year updating on Dayre but if you haven't heard the news...Dayre is exiting the blogging sphere for good? Anyhow, I was losing interest updating there anyways . I think a handful of Dayreans are moving to Wordpress since old Dayre posts can be exported over but nah I'm good. I'm not exactly the most sentimental person around so what's meant to be lost, shall be lost.

A lot of things happened since I left writing on this space for sure!

  1. I call Sarawak home
  2. I became an owner of the cutest Italian Greyhound
  3. I started a mini online business


How wild is that? 

I really have no intention to return to this space or blogging to be really really honest until I had a conversation with a fellow Dayrean on InstaMessage. She was telling me how she'll be missing out on my pregnancy journey (one very hot topic on Dayre too haha). That kinda struck me a little cos I remembered while I was feeling really 'sick' 7 weeks into my pregnancy...I was quite desperate to find any sort of information or stories online to feel better (somehow). It's my first pregnancy and I was clueless, didn't know what to expect at all! I can't seem to find any posts by Singaporean bloggers writing about their early pregnancy journey then! Most posts were just really nice pregnancy announcements 

So, I toyed with the idea of returning to this space to maybe document my first pregnancy? I'm not sure how diligent I'll be, so I'm really still on the fence!

I'm guessing it might be useful to mommies-to-be (like me zzz). Exactly like how I get a handful of messages every now and then asking me about my chosen wedding venue at Ritz Carlton Millenia (Garden Pavilion) in Singapore, little did I know an old post of mine written back in 2016 could actually help fellow brides-to-be in some tiny way! 

I shall ponder over this and have a great weekend everyone!

With ,