Friday, 11 May 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

Been a while guys! And before I rattle on, I would like to wish all Mommies/ Mommy figures out there...a Happy Mother's Day!

I too am celebrating my first Mother's Day this year, feels really odd to be receiving flowers/ gifts on this day...but I'll get used to it! 

Anyways I guess it's about time to write my thoughts on my first trimester which I've bade goodbye a while ago! My first trimester was...tough. I was six weeks pregnant when I found out, other than the most obvious of missing my menses, I had this weird taste in my mouth every evening a week prior to the discovery! I also had this super weird craving for Macdonald's nuggets one night at around 10.30pm which was extremely odd as I'm not so much of a fast food/ supper person!

Post pregnancy discovery was nothing but joy, husband and I decided to share the great news to our immediate family members! However, by Week 7...I was hit with the most dreaded MORNING SICKNESS which occurred around 5pm onwards E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y. 

I felt nauseous almost daily by evening time. I was neither keen to prepare meals (like I always do) nor had the appetite for dinner. And truth is, this nauseousness escalates on an empty stomach which I didn't know! Mornings were better but I often had headaches... It was quite a frightening experience to be honest since it is my first pregnancy after all! I felt really sick, I even wondered if I'm suffering from a bout of stomach flu then! Mommies around me told me to hang on and second trimester will be a breeze...but I felt like it was so long away! I was living day by day in fear!

Eventually, I found that having small meals and snacking along the day really helped me feel a little better! I started to venture out of home but car rides were awful! My motion sickness returned in FULL FORCE! I suffer from motion sickness since I was child but it got better in my teens and adulthood but during the first trimester...I couldn't even hold my lunch in after a 10 minutes car ride! I was tired, moody and I had no desire to do anything except to just lay around at home. I was extremely fearful of taking the plane as well, which disrupted several of our travel plans.

And then came the much anticipated SECOND TRIMESTER!

I won't lie! It is indeed a dream! Miraculously, the nauseousness went away, headaches were rare, appetite returned and my motion sickness was back to being manageable! I was constantly tired though, my energy levels are way lower than before and I am often out of breath if I talk or walk too much .

My supportive husband got us a live-in helper which really made the whole situation much better! I didn't have to worry about household chores and I started to cook again! I took my first flight (in 5 months omg) back to Singapore and it was all well! And to top it all up, at week 19, we felt the first movements of our baby girl in my belly! It was such an exciting moment for both of us!

To all first time mom-to-be out there who's battling with morning sickness, HANG IN THERE! All will be worth it when you see your little one doing well every visit to the gynae!

With ,